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Choose your pricing plan

  • Online PT - Bronze

    Every month
    Fitness & Nutrition Support
    • Welcome Call
    • Facebook Group Support
    • Group Challenges and Workouts
    • Weekly 1 hour online Yoga Class
    • Monthly Newsletter
  • Online PT - Silver

    Every month
    Fitness & Nutrition PT Coaching
    • Welcome Call
    • Facebook Group Support
    • Group Challenges & Workouts
    • Weekly 1 hour online Yoga Class
    • Monthly Newsletter
    • Monthly Training Programme
    • Monthly Support Call
    • Weekly Check In
  • Online PT - Gold

    Every month
    Fitness & Nutrition PT Coaching & Training
    • Welcome Call
    • Facebook Group Support
    • Group Challenges & Workouts
    • Weekly 1 hour online Yoga Class
    • Monthly Newsletter
    • Monthly Training Programme
    • Monthly Support Call
    • Weekly Check In
    • Weekly Online 30mins Training Session
  • PT Sessions Weekly

    Every week
    • Recurring 1-1 PT Sessions
Plans & Pricing: PaidPlans
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